Quango Computing Pty Ltd - home of APILoader and LoMAppS

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Resume of Ian Blavins 

JMeter software performance engineer specialising in complex engagements especially those requiring tool and infrastructure development




I have just released APILoader my own commercial high throughput API load testing tool. I am now looking world-wide for challenging projects that will make good use of the tool.

Current location


If you have the right project and it cannot be done remotely I will come to you. I can set myself up, at surprisingly short notice, wherever:

  • you have a sufficiently interesting, challenging project
  • legal approval to work can be established
  • business can be effectively conducted in English

Relocation expenses are not sought.

Engagement options

I am open to:
  • direct contract through my Australian company, Quango Computing Pty Ltd
  • indirect contract involving a local third party contracting company or similar

Work entitlements

I have the right to work in Australia, New Zealand, and the EU. As an Australian I am eligible for an E-3 visa for the US which makes Australians about as easy to employ as Canadians. Elsewhere I would expect to work under a business visa.
Contact me

Company home | Resume home | Overview | What I do | Availability | Contact me | APILoader home | LoMAppS home

Resume of Ian Blavins, Performance engineering infrastructure developer and software performance engineer
Last updated: 10th June 2020

Quango Computing Pty Ltd
ABN 38 008 029 007